Iubirea mea e profundă, cuprinzătoare şi înaltă cât sufletul meu… Iubirea e un lucru mare, un mare bine; ea singură face din greu uşor şi trece lin peste toate asperităţile. Căci ea duce o povoară fără să fie împovărătoare şi îndulceşte tot amarul. Iubirea se cere preţuită, nu ascunsă. Iubirea vrea să fie liberă, departe de dorinţele lumeşti, astfel că spiritul să nu-i fie umbrit, norocul s-o însoţească şi nenorocul să n-o atingă. Nimic nu e mai dulce ca iubirea.”
Thomas a Kempis

I don’t say what’s on my mind quite as much as you’d like me to
I’ve been hearing that my whole life, I promise, it’s not just you
But I so confidently want you
That when you say you’re insecure about my feelings
I don’t take it serious
But if you need me to tell you moreYou’re one of the few things that I’m sure of
You’re one of the few things that I know already
I could build my world of
One of the few things that I’m sure of
And I want you to unravel me
Come closer, come closer
Come closer, come closerI don’t say what’s on my mind quite as much as you’d like me to, yeah
And often when I’m quiet, you worry I’m hiding from you
And I know I keep a lot to myself
But still, you’re more part of me than anybody else
So if you need me to tell you moreYou’re one of the few things that I’m sure of
You’re one of the few things that I know already
I could build my world of
One of the few things that I’m sure ofAnd I want you to unravel me
Come closer, come closer
And I want you to unravel me (come closer, come closer)
And I want you to unravel me (come closer, come closer)I don’t say whats on my mind quite as much as you’d like me to
I’ve been hearing that my whole life, I promise, it’s not just you
You’re one of the few things that I’m sure of
You’re one of the few things that I know already
I could build my world of
One of the few things I’m sure of
And I want you to unravel meAnd I want you to unravel me (come closer, come closer)
I want you to unravel me (come closer, come closer)