Asurzitor prăbuşeşti coloane de tăcere

în cântecul meu şoptit de dragoste

Cioburi de armonii speriate mă rănesc

şi mă sting.

Tu fum eşti acum, eu notă pe un portativ

ce-şi poartă râul mult

mult mai departe.


„I loved your face I loved your hair
Your t-shirts and your evening-wear
As for the world the job the war
I ditched them all to love you more
And now you’re gone, now you’re gone
As if there ever was a you
Who broke the heart and made it new
Who’s moving on, who’s kiddin’ who?
I loved your moods I loved the way
They threaten every single day
Your beauty ruled me though I knew
Twas more hormonal than the view
Now you’re gone, now you’re gone
As if there ever was a you
Queen of lilac, queen of blue
Who’s moving on, who’s kiddin’ who?
I loved your face I loved your hair
Your t-shirts and your evening-wear
As for the world the job the war
I ditched them all to love you more
And now you’re gone, now you’re gone
As if there ever was a you
Who held me dyin’ pulled me through
Who’s moving on, who’s kiddin’ who?
Who’s moving on, who’s kiddin’ who?”

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